02 Details

Improved lung function for the patient

The Vest® Airway Clearance System, Model 105, is a designed to assist patients in the mobilization of retained secretions that, if not removed, may lead to increased rates of respiratory infection, hospitalization and reduced lung function.

The Vest® System can assist in airway clearance for patients suffering from airway clearance dysfunction, secretion retention and/or ineffective cough or secretion clearance due to immobility, deconditioning or muscle weakness. The Vest® Airway Clearance System, Model 105 represents technology from the innovators of High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation or HFCWO.

This therapy utilizes a device that generates increased airflow velocities that create cough-like shear forces and decreases secretion viscosity. Both serve to assist patients in moving retained secretions from smaller airways to larger airways where they can more easily be removed by coughing, which helps patients breathe a little easier.™